Behind the Scenes of Oak Health Foundation: Meet our Board Members
In this blog post, we’re excited to introduce you to some of the brilliant minds and servant hearts behind Oak Health Foundation. Our board members play a crucial role in guiding our organization’s mission, vision, and strategic direction. They bring a wealth of diverse experiences, expertise, and passion for our cause, making them integral to our efforts in creating positive impact and driving meaningful change in our community. Read on to learn more about some of our board members’ respective journeys with Oak Health Foundation.
Roger Heuser

What inspired you to become a part of Oak Health Foundation’s Board, and how has your journey been so far?
I have served on other boards of start-up nonprofits and experienced the opportunities and challenges as they grew in their quality and capacity for service. I think perhaps the most important quality of a nonprofit is the integrity and relevance of its mission. Oak Health Foundation’s summary mission — Hope and Healing for the Mind, Body, and Spirit — that integrates best practices of mental healthcare with the gospel of Jesus Christ resonates with integrity and relevance.
Could you share a specific experience or moment that reaffirmed your commitment to the mission and goals of OHF?
I have seen the results that compassionate, competent, and faith-filled mental health professionals bring to individuals I know were desperate, and they experienced remarkable healing,
In what ways do you believe your background and expertise contribute to the success of this non-profit and its initiatives?
For the past 40 years, I have been a faculty member of the School of Theology at Vanguard University. My passion is the integration of leadership with theology, Christian spirituality, and the social sciences. OHF has been a place for me to grow, learn from and collaborate with others, and contribute to the growing opportunities of OHF.
Gayle Heuser

What inspired you to become a part of Oak Health Foundation’s Board, and how has your journey been so far?
When I first heard Dr. Mijin Park’s vision for Oak Health Foundation based on Isaiah 61, I felt drawn to be a supportive presence on the board. Chapter 61 has always been a personal touchstone for me in my own faith journey and vocation. I wanted to share this vision with others.
Could you share a specific experience or moment that reaffirmed your commitment to the mission and goals of OHF?
When considering board service, I reflected on the importance of my own mental health journey, through psychotherapy with my Christian counselor, and had a deep sense of gratitude to God, that empowered my commitment to OHF.
In what ways do you believe your background and expertise contribute to the success of this non-profit and its initiatives?
As a Board-Certified chaplain and spiritual director, who has provided spiritual care for many individuals over 2 decades, I believe I have a gift of compassion and insight into “the brokenhearted…the captives…those who mourn,” (Isaiah 61) and an empowering vision of the healing that is possible.
Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the future of OHF, and how do you envision your role evolving in achieving those goals?
My husband, Roger, and I look forward to hosting spiritual life retreats for OHF mental health professionals and staff where we explore our personal journeys with God, and with one another. In doing so, we believe relationships will deepen, self awareness will grow and our love for Jesus will abound.
Mick Yanko

What inspired you to become a part of Oak Health Foundation’s Board, and how has your journey been so far?`
I would say that it was God that inspired me to become part of the board. I had known about OHF for several years, and have participated in certain capacities during that time when I could. But when I was nominated for a position on the board, I did not know if it was something I wanted, or was qualified for, but I thought that if God led me to this opportunity, I should take it. Thus far, it has been a good experience. I’ve mostly just been working with other board members to plan more opportunities for outreach into our communities. I’m looking forward to seeing those plans executed.
Could you share a specific experience or moment that reaffirmed your commitment to the mission and goals of OHF?
Luckily, I have experiences on an almost weekly basis that reaffirm my commitment to this mission. I’ve been part of the R&R group sessions each week for close to two years now, and every week I see people come with their struggles with anxiety and depression, and just life’s challenges, but leave empowered with God’s truth to face those struggles. It is a blessing to see how God is healing people who first came while in a place of darkness, but are now seeing the light.
What do you find most fulfilling or rewarding about serving on the board?
I think knowing that I have been given the opportunity to help plan the direction OHF takes and then seeing the positive results will be very rewarding.
Kristi Nichols

What inspired you to become a part of Oak Health Foundation’s Board, and how has your journey been so far?
I am inspired by the vision and leadership of Dr. Esther Park and Dr. Mijin Park. I have enjoyed the opportunity to work together with others who are like-minded in offering integrated mental health care options to our community along with educational and supportive resources. This work is also personal for me. As a mother and wife in a family with mental illness and disorders, I want to do what I can to bring more and better treatment options to those in need.
Could you share a specific experience or moment that reaffirmed your commitment to the mission and goals of OHF?
My commitment to OHF was reaffirmed when a participant in the Renew and Revive (R&R) Support Group shared how receiving support, insight, and biblical wisdom improved her well-being and her outcomes in treatment.
In what ways do you believe your background and expertise contribute to the success of this non-profit and its initiatives?
I have spent my career in non-profit work in client-facing, business administration, and leadership roles, which gives me knowledge and insight into the day-to-day of nonprofit work. I believe the role of the nonprofit board is essential for the overall health of a nonprofit and should play an active role in overseeing the organization to enhance the work, support the leadership, and ensure its sustainability.
Andrew Brewer

What inspired you to become a part of Oak Health Foundation’s Board, and how has your journey been so far?
I joined the board because as a child of an Asian immigrant mother who struggles with a mental health condition, I appreciated OHF’s mission to reach out to communities that have historically been reticent in sharing their personal mental health struggles. The opportunity to also incorporate my faith into the conversation about mental health wellness made it a great fit.
In what ways do you believe your background and expertise contribute to the success of this non-profit and its initiatives?
I have worked in the world of philanthropy for twenty years and have experience with frontline fundraising, communications, and operations. I think my skill set has allowed me to support OHF’s financial growth as well as creating consistent practices and procedures that will allow for our organization to scale up as we continue to expand our impact in the community.
What do you find most fulfilling or rewarding about serving on the board?
I enjoy seeing new leaders own opportunities to communicate our mission to a wider audience.
Looking ahead, what are your hopes and aspirations for the future of OHF, and how do you envision your role evolving in achieving those goals?
I hope to see OHF have a wider impact on the communities we serve with more leaders joining our board and being strong advocates for our vision of total wellness through mental health treatment with spiritual integration.
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